
Updated July 16, 2024

Census docs are in order from most recent (US Federal 1950) to oldest VVL unknown year

1950 Rochester Census

Luckily, Rochester was one of 62 selected “tracked areas” which provided a wealth of data…

  • Total population: 332,488 Male:158K Female:173K (Was this 15K difference a result of WWII?)
  • Foreign born: Total of 49,127. Italian were the largest group with 17,545.
  • Median income: $3,076 (Currently it’s $62,411.)
  • Median home value: $8,943 (In 2021 it’s $156,100.)
  • Only 4% had TVs!

404 Avery St 1950 Census

We already know who was living here in 1950 (Angelina, Antoinette, Christina, Angelo and wife Assunta). What catches your eye are the occupation descriptions. Christina is a Proprietress of a beauty salon. Today, we would call her an entrepreneur or self-employed. Both Antoinette and Angelo work at “a camera company”! Maybe census takers were not allowed to name the place but we’re know it’s Kodak!

More importantly, Angelina is now listed as foreign born naturalized! So sometime between 1940 and 1950 she gained her citizenship.

1153 Maple St 1950 Census

This census shows that both Sam and Mary D’Agostino were naturalized citizens. Both Sam and son Albino worked for the railroad.

8 Kestral St 1950 Census

Paolotto 1950 Census

Below is the census for Avenue C for Frank and Rose Paolotto with only Mariono and Vincent. Charles and Marion were not listed at this address. Instead the 1950 city directory shows the just married couple living at 8 Lorimer St.

1940 Census for Avery Street

This census confirms that Angelina Tomasso was still listed as an alien.

1940 D’Agostino Census for 210 Glide St

404 Avery St 1930 Census

This document shows Pasquale marked with a “P” as having petitioned for citizenship. The same status is on the 1920 census below. Angelina is listed as Alien. It also tells us he worked as a button hole maker at a clothing company. The form states that Italian is the language spoken at home. It is noted here that Angelina did not speak English. Home value of Avery St is $8000. He paid about $1 for the land in 1911.

1925 New York State Census for Jay St

The family were living at 184 Jay Street. Pasquale, Angelina and Mary are all marked as “aliens” not citizens. Looking closely at the handwriting the ending of the name looks like an “a” but could have been an “o”. Was this a mistake or intentional?

The Grandes lived at 182 and the Bianchis were at 172.

182 Kent St 1920 Census

The family is listed as “Thomas“. Notice how “Di M” was crossed out. Pasquale’s status is marked “P” showing that as early as 1920 he had petitioned for citizenship. Angelina and Mary are both listed as “A” for aliens.

This must haven been a huge boarding house. In addition to eight Tomasso (Thomas) there were Grandi(?), Coccia, Marone, Grocci, Viggiani and Louis and Pasquale Disarra families. Carmen Grandi(?) is listed as the owner. Everyone else is listed as a renter.

DiSarre and Bianchi Italian Census (unknown year)

Note the name is DiSarre NOT DiSarra.